MAL * LV24
any pronouns!


Do not follow me if:
-you fit any basic DNFI criteria // you like to engage/start discourse // you are below 15 years old // if you expect a followback // can't respect people's opinions
I'm chill unless you actually try to mess with me :D

Your mediocre resident multi-fandom corporate employee.
filo cosplayer + artist

my interests: Pretty much anything that gets my attention
Plays games, cosplays, draws and writes, cries 24/7
Before you follow:
Mal tends to just post anything given that she is aware that this is her own space. Mal also aims to be as inclusive as she can and actually try her hardest to make this safe for everyone as well. Mal is an ADULT and she knows what she posts. Don't follow her if you can't respect that :) Usually RTs and discuss NSFW things sometimes.